
What is my luxury?

So as everyone who has spoken to me in the last two months knows, I have not been living a life of luxury. My days consist of sitting on our red brick of a couch and watching enough daytime television to make anyone sick. Most of the time I'm alone with my cat Gaston, which I'm enjoying as I don't like the idea of people seeing me be pathetic all day. I tried to be slightly productive though so I painted a picture of me being bored.

I do have goals but I feel like I'm waiting for them like I'm waiting for a bus. If I sit in the right place, it will come.

Today I watched Marie Antoinette and it made me want money. A lot of money doesn't make me happy, but a good amount does. I was silly to think that when I graduated I would stop living like a student.

1 comment:

  1. Give yourself a project/aim or something that gets you out of the house at least.

    Walking around taking photos or drawing people in museums is free!
